1993 – COM PLUS s.r.o. established
COM PLUS, s.r.o. was established in Ústí nad Labem and, from its beginning, it has been focused on comprehensive solutions in the field of telecommunications. The activities of the company developed dynamically and the first successful contracts formed the basis for business success. As the market requirements grew, the need for better quality coverage in the region also increased.
1994 – Liberec branch established
COM PLUS LB, s.r.o., a sister company of COM PLUS, s.r.o., was created in Liberec.
1997 – Hradec Králové branch established
The company also extended its services to Eastern Bohemia and established COM PLUS HK, s.r.o. in Hradec Králové.
1999 – Otrokovice branch established
The number of implemented projects was increasing, and therefore COM PLUS group extended its activities and established COM PLUS ZL, s.r.o., a sister company, in Otrokovice near Zlín. At the same time, the office in České Budějovice was established in 1999.
2000 – A joint stock company established
A joint stock company, the task of which is to create a strategy for COM PLUS group, taking over business and marketing activities in significant contracts, project management of those contracts and integrating logistic and administrative activities of the company, was created in Prague.
2004 – Brno branch opening
COM PLUS continued to strengthen its position in Moravia and established an office in Brno.
2006–2007 – Integration of subsidiaries
COM PLUS HK, s.r.o., COM PLUS ZL, s.r.o. and COM PLUS LB, s.r.o., the subsidiaries, become a part of COM PLUS CZ, the joint stock company. The goal was to create a more efficient organization and to provide more comprehensive services – customers can make use of the potential of the parent company operating nationwide.
2010 – Obtaining a contract for the construction of ČEPS telecommunication network
The company won a public tender for the construction of ČEPS telecommunications network.
2011 – Beginning of the cooperation with Informática El Corte Inglés
Informática El Corte Inglés S.Á. became our significant foreign partner. The first joint project was the management of the end‑user workstations contract for Telefónica O2 Czech Republic company.
2014 – Obtaining management of payment terminals for Česká spořitelna
Another important contract was the management of end‑user workstations and payment terminals for Česká spořitelna company.
2015 – Obtaining management of end‑user workstations for ČSOB
Another important contract is the management of end‑user workstations for ČSOB, on which COM PLUS works with Atos IT Solutions and Services, s.r.o.
2016 – Obtaining outsourcing EET for Wincor
The year 2016 was associated with the deployment of EET in the Czech Republic. We performed installation, deinstallation, service and training.
2017 – Construction of fixed optical and metal networks for China Telecom
In January 2017, COM PLUS signed a contract with Huawei to build fixed optical and metal networks for China Telecom across Europe. The technologies were DWDM and SDH.
2017–2018 – Building Stations for T‑Mobile
In 2017–2018, COM PLUS entered into a significant contract with T‑Mobile for the construction of base stations across the Czech Republic as well as the design of optical routes. ČEPS proved their confidence in our services as they extended the service contract for their telecommunication networks for the next period.
2018 – T‑mobile
Design and acquisition of FTTH (optical networks) for T‑Mobile.
2018 – Terminal stations and peripherals for the Czech Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports
Since 2018, we have been managing terminal stations and peripherals for the Czech Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports. The outsourcing services include comprehensive services of operation and management support in the area of Desktop support and application support.
2019 – Help desk for CertiCon
Since May 2019, we have been providing Help Desk services for the innovative Prague‑based company CertiCon a.s. We ensure the functionality of their software for object recognition from video footage CertiConVis, which is used at airports, by the police, in large markets, etc.
2019 – ICT outsourcing for Moneta Money Bank
Since the beginning of 2019, together with our partner, we have been providing ITC outsourcing services for Moneta. The project includes network‑support services of POS in more than 200 branches of Moneta Money Bank across the Czech Republic, management and service of IT hardware of these branches, end‑user support, preventive maintenance and cleaning services and countless other services, including the provision of a distribution warehouse.
2019 – Line Cards for CESNET
In 2018, we supplied line cards for the devices in the designated location, including their installation, commissioning and integration with the surveillance system, for the company CESNET.
2019 – ICT outsourcing for Moneta Money Bank
Moneta Money Bank ICT Outsourcing for more than 200 branches in the Czech Republic ČR, Help desk services for CertiCon a.s.,
2020 – NTT, monitoring Česká televize, Mondi and Provident
Extension of cooperation with NTT, Smart monitoring Česká televize, Mondi and Provident
2020 – FTTH for T‑Mobile Czech Republic
Construction of FTTH for T‑Mobile Czech Republic a.s. in the Karlovy Vary Region
2020 – Outsourcing IT Rowius GmbH and Vimana Sp. z o.o.
IT Outsourcing for Schäfer – Menk s.r.o. IT outsourcing services for Rowius GmbH and Vimana Sp. z o.o. Construction of a call center for SČVK
2021 – CTI plugin in CRM for Malfini, a.s.
Implementation of CTI plugin into CRM for Malfini, a.s.
2021 – SOC building
Expanding the security team, building a SOC (Security Operations Center)
2021 – Nokia certification in DWDM, MPLS
Obtaining Nokia certification in the DWDM top level "Expert" partnership and in the MPLS top level "Advanced" partnership
2021 – GreenGo, Vivus, Innogy, ČEZ, PRE, Veolia, Pražská plynárenská
Construction of charging stations for GreenGo, Vivus, Innogy. Design and construction of NS also for ČEZ, PRE, Veolia, Pražská plynárenská.
2021 ‑ Gold partner Microsoft
We became a certified Microsoft Gold Partner.
2021 ‑ ČDT, ČEZ, T‑mobile, CETIN
Delivery of transmission technologies for ČDT and ČEZ, FTTH design for T‑Mobile and CETIN.
2022 Nokia certification for the NDAC product line
We obtained Nokia Advanced certification for the NDAC product line
2022 – First private 5G network in the Czech Republic
Building the first private 5G network in an industrial estate in the Czech Republic
2022 – Building the Nokia reseller network
2022 – Starting to build Nokia's reseller network